Saturday, April 26, 2008

Stella Alpina

Iris Neibach's patterns are a pleasure to work with. This doily is named as Stella Alpina in her book "Fantasia". This is very easy to make and I managed to finsh it in a day.

Her books contain such beautiful patterns that sometimes make me wonder "Where does she get these ideas from"? They look quite complicated sometimes but her instructions make it easy to understand just while you tat it.


Marty said...

You are so right about Iris Niebach's patterns. The light and dark you chose for this one really emphasizes that "simple complexity". Makes me want to go get out my threads and try this one again!

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

One day? Wow! You're good! I've been working on mine for three weeks! I love Iris's patterns, and I agree that her instructions are easy to understand. I guess I'm just slow!

Unknown said...

Very Pretty! You did such a lovely job. Thanks for sharing a pic. My goodness I want Iris' books.

Susanne said...

Very pretty in deed.

Iris Niebach said...

The doily looks really good worked in theese two contrasting colors and it is worked perfectly. Thank you so much for showing,

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

This is lovely Sapna! I love the colors you chose! So delighted to see your recent posts!

Tattycat said...

This looks amazing! And you completed it in a day? I have to order this book!

Sapna said...

Thank you all. You guys make me wanna do more. ;)