Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Floral Bookmark

There has been a lot of demand for the Pattern of the famous bookmark on my blog. I just thought I’ll share the link to everyone who is interested in it.

The bookmark is called Floral and it is on Kersti’s website. Actually when I initially started this bookmark I had no idea that the pattern was Kersti's, I had started working on it from a Picture. :-). Very recently one of the fellow tatters from etatters pointed out to me that the pattern is available on

I have received lot of concern over the site being down, which actually it was. But now the good news is that it is working and that the pattern can be found here.

Kersti has some very beautiful patterns put up there. Happy Tatting!

1 comment:

Kersti said...

I've been updating my site - you'll find the pattern at