Sunday, September 28, 2008

Long overdue

Well quite late this time... sorry! Just held up with lots of house work and office work (I keep using this line always to escape the guilt isn’t it :-!) quite frankly I think I am just miserable at keeping my blog updated. Sigh!

Boy I really dint want to start this post on a sad note, not my usual self, so lets just lighten up a bit.:-) There I already put a smile on your face, yippee!

OK here are the few details to share…

The much awaited Margerite is finally over – It still looks a bit clumsy because I still haven’t ironed it out yet, that’s the only blocking I do to my tatted creations. But Oooo I so love the color!!!

New thread additions to my stash and for the hundredth time my answer to my husband’s question – “No I am not in need of new threads but darling, the thread needs me :-)" whatever… I keep telling him – Never question a tatter on the threads and shuttles, it is a very touche affair.
Never mind him, Ignorant souls I tell you. What do they know! Desperate needs call for desperate measures lol.
Left to right – Pamela’s Coral reef, Apple blossom and Sherry’s Rio.

Next in line is a new shuttle that I purchased from Etsy… this is lovely and very pretty. The shuttle is Acrylic, purple in color and the shop’s address is clhuke64’s on etsy. Apparently I was his first customer.
And finally there are these beautiful beautiful shuttles that I purchased from grizzly mountain arts. Pretty aren’t they?

So there you go, so much suspense for nothing... Please do enjoy these while I anxiously try to catch up with all of my fellow tatters blog posts.


Grizzly Mountain Arts said...

Your doily is so beautiful, Sapna!

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

LOL Sapna! "The thread needs me"....I am going to remember that one! Your shuttles are gorgeous!
I always look forward to your posts!

Marty said...

Such pretty new shuttles -- you inspired me. I went over to clhuke64's Etsy shop and bought a hot pink one. That's a pretty funny avatar for selling tatting shuttles, don't you think? Have your used your purple one yet? I'm hoping to really, really like it, because it looks like it used the same bobbins as my sewing machine!